Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Why I Watch International News

I could hardly care for international news these days...more homophobia, more racism, more Religious Fundamentalists, more Manufactured "Musicians" and IQ-decreasing sitcoms, etc. However, I do like Cable News Network ( CNN ) and our own ANC. With CNN, I could watch hours of such news hosted by these heavenly men, Thomas Roberts and Anderson Cooper ( who also blogs at CNN ):

Thomas Roberts:

Anderson Cooper

I found these websites of a guy who has beautiful fan blogs of these hunky/handsome anchormen. Yay! I enjoyed the entry about Faux/Fox trying to steal Anderson away from CNN, and later on trying to equate him with Paris Hilton in a failed bid to discredit the ever-popular and ever-professional Cooper. How pathetic of Faux News ( now there's garbage I'll never watch ), just like a rejected psycho troll in a bathhouse...

Anderson is MINE, Ryan, so back off, Yotch!

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