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50 Gay Questions
- Get Your Own 1. How old were you when you knew you were gay? 12 years old when I had crushes on my bully classmates ( ugh, don't ask ) 2. Have you ever had sex with the opposite sex? no/nein/hindeeeeeeeee!!!. 3. Who was the first person you came out to? Ruby, my closest friend in College 4. Are you out to your family? it's an open secret 5. Do you want children? yes, but not now 6. Do you have more gay friends or straight friends? Gay 7. Were you out in school? Yes, in Colege 8. Is your best friend the same sex as you? Yes and No, I have several "bestfriends" 9. If your best friend is the same sex, have you ever had sex with them? hehehehehehe....hahahahaha...issue!!! 10. Would you prefer to date a guy taller than you or shorter than you? Doesn't matter to me. 11. Have you ever been in a sling? I haven't done S&M, but I may be open to that... 12. Have you ever done a 3-way? Yeah ( ***grins*** ) 13. Have you ever dressed in drag? Yeah, my Marist School uniform 14. Would you date a drag queen? I don't know... 15. Are you a top/bottom or truly versatile? Versatile, I want the best of both worlds, baby!!! 16. Have you had sex with someone of a different ethnicity? Yeah... 17. How many Cher CDs do you own? none...they're all downloads 18. Name of your first love? D. Atienza 19. Do you still talk to them? No, but we're friends 20. Does size matter?yes, my man must have a big...heart ♥♥♥ 21. Biggest turn on? Toned body with well-defined abs ( I'm shallow, get over it! ) 22. Biggest turn off? non-kissers 23. Ever been harassed due to your orientation? Not worth mentioning. 24. Worst gay stereotype that applies to you? I suck at basketball. 25. Ever been to a pride rally? Not yet, but I will. 26. Would you marry if you could? Yes, and I don't need any person's, government's or church's blessing to commit to my soulmate. 27. Would you rather be rich and smart or young and beautiful? All of the above. 28. Do you sculpt your eyebrows? No, can you tell me how? 29. Do you trim your body hair? Yup, down there. 30. Ever had sex with more than one person in a day? Hahahahahaha....Yeah! 31. Ever been to an orgy? Wooohoooo...Kinda! ( ***grins*** ) 32. Have you dated your best friend's ex? I would never do that to my close friends, gay or straight. 33. Would you vote for Hillary Clinton if she ran for president? Is she running for President of the Philippines? Yes! 34. Do you want monogamy in your relationships? ☻☻☻Okay lang to bend the rules once in a while ☻☻☻ 35. Do you believe in true love? Too cheesy, but yeah, I do. 36. Do you have any tattoos? None 37. Do you have any piercings? None 38. Would you date a smoker? It has happened, but not preferred. 39. Do you get HIV tests every 6 months? Irregular times, but I do 40. Do you know anyone who has died from H.I.V.? No. 41. Do you know what Stonewall was? yes 42. Strangest place you have had sex? the National Statistics Office restroom and stairwell ( Beat that! ) 43. Strangest place you've woken up? Dreamland, I had a dream where I thought I had just woken up. 44. Are your best years behind or in front of you? Hmmm, I still believe in the future 45. Favorite porn movie? Randy Blue movies 46. Are you in love now? No, my heart's not ready... 47. Ever been in love with a straight guy/girl? straight guys : lotsa times. straight girl: Ms. Yugoslavia 1991 48. Did you ever have sex with them? unfortunately,yes, some of the "straight" guys ( the most boring, icky, one-sided sex ever!!! ) 49. Have you ever been to a nude beach? No, where can I find such a place? 50. Have you ever been/stayed in a relationship for Money or Security, instead of Love and Friendship? No, I'm not Anne Heche.
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