Monday, December 31, 2007

Almost 10 percent of ‘straight’ men report gay sex ( the other 90% are too busy getting the down low )

Thomas: So many boys, so tittle time...

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As per the Free Dictionary: closet queen - a negative term for a homosexual man who chooses not to reveal his sexual orientation ( gay man, shirtlifter - a homosexual man )

Almost 10 percent of ‘straight’ men report gay sex
Doctors should ask about behavior, not just identity, study says

Closets evolving into aliens

Closets evolving into Retards

How a man labels his sexual orientation, even anonymously, may not correlate with his actual sexual behavior, a new study shows.

Almost 10 percent of New York City men who identify as straight have had sex with at least one man in the last year, according to a study published this month in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The survey’s lead author said these men were given the opportunity to identify as gay or bisexual, but insisted on being classified as straight.

“There’s probably some stigma at play,” said Dr. Preeti Pathela of the New York City Health Department. “It’s really a sensitive issue for many men.” For more details of this report, please check this website.

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This sooo not true. I mean, where're the other 90% of straight men who visit the saunas, moviehouses, and others who were NOT forced to march there so they can bone some guy, or get blown vy a dude? Maybe, these guys were busy doing each other and reaffirming their manhood afterwards, so they missed the chance to answer the survey form. Of course, that's not really a problem for the gay boys who look for something casual, but I do feel sorry for the "beards" of these "heteros."

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